camp of horror

Camping trip time!!!!!!!!!! Xander and Philipp shouted as they climbed into the car
for a ride to the bush. They started a long journey to Napia for a camping trip that they had both really been looking forward to. They arrived 5 hours later and
had an hour to set up camp. Poles flew everywhere and mattresses were
unrolled they had both deserved a long rest

As they quietly ate their dinner and got ready for bed they heard a man outside
saying where is my tent I need to get my box. They hid quietly in the bedroom
until they both drifted off to sleep. 1 Hour later Xander needed the toilet and
accidentally woke up Philipp he dawdled his way to the toilet half asleep.
Xander  was halfway there when a shadow towered over him and snached
him out of mid air. He was gone...

 Meanwhile, Xander was shoved into a box gust on the other end of the
campsite while Philipp’s dazed head poked out of the tent  he went back to bed
5 minutes had passed and still no sign of Xander he waited and waited and
waited it had now been 10 minutes since Xander had disappeared Philipp
decided to investigate he checked the toilet and all around the campsite only
one more place to check he thought the clearing. He saw a sight that will never
get out of his head he saw it as his best friend being shoved into a box with
daggers on the inside then he waited and he saw a liquid pooling at the bottom
of the box, it was as red as blood. Philipp’s sorrow quickly turned to anger as
he tried to get the culprit but he took to long. he had escaped...
Philipp slowly heaved the heavy box in the general direction of the tent then he
heard a voice “go easy on the shaking”, a mysterious but familiar voice said.
Hey that is Xander he thought to himself quietly “let me out!!” it said again as
philipp opened the bloody box and saw nothing but his best friend in the box
drenched with blood or at least  what he thought was blood. Xander held up a
punctured apple juice container and showed it to his friend philipp. Philipp was
relieved that it was orange juice and orange juice alone that caused the
bloody affect now they both needed a very long sleep tonight the problem
was how would they sleep it was now the middle of the night and both lay
horizontal trembling with fear 1 hour later  philipp needed a drink...


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